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Active Hypoxic Training + Cold Water Immersion

Service Description

ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO HAVE PURCHASED A PERSONAL TRAINING MASK AND HAVE COMPLETED 3 IHT SESSIONS. Introducing our 20/20 Protocol, where you get to experience the numerous benefits of AHT and CWI in one sitting! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Value for money and perfect for those who are short on time but still want to get their hypoxic training and recovery in! Each 20/20 Session lasts for around an hour and consists of a 20-min AHT, a 20-min CWI and 20 minutes for you to rinse off and pack up afterwards. >> SUITABLE FOR << 20/20 (AHT+CWI) is suitable for athletes and sports enthusiasts across different disciplines, especially those interested in: - Improving respiratory strength and endurance - Pushing the top-end of your aerobic capacity - Managing and reducing their risk of injury vs conventional methods - Mitigating sleep issues >> THE PROCESS (AHT) << - You will be required to purchase a personal training mask and bring it to every session. - Put on your altitude training mask. - Undergo 20min of exercise under hypoxia, with the aim to bring blood oxygen saturation down to 75-80%. >> THE PROCESS (CWI) << - Upon your first session, our sport scientist will assess your fitness goals and targets. - A customised protocol (temperature & duration) will then be set based on your objectives. - For package holders, the temperature and duration will be adjusted based on the individual's progression. - Our CWI temperature can range from 10 - 15หšC (46 - 59หšF) over 15-30min. - Finish off with a hot soak to end the session.

Contact Details

  • Ministry of Fitness, Singapore

    +65 8533 8586

Upcoming Sessions

1 h
From 60 Singapore dollars
Ministry of Fitness, Singapore
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